Grace Teo

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Grace Teo 张嘉轩

Height: 1.66m Nationality: Malaysian
Weight: 49kg Race: Chinese
DOB: 20 January Language: English, Chinese, Malay

Talents: Acting, Piano, Drums, Martial Arts, Singing

Grace had been focusing on on-screen acting and stunts since graduating from LASALLE in 2014. Fluent in Mandarin, English, and Malay, Grace has also formally trained in several disciplines of martial arts like Wushu, Aikido, Silat, Boxing, and Muay Thai. 6 years in the industry, Grace has graced the screen with her various stunt-double roles and on-screen roles such as in The Circle Line (2022), where she acts and stunt -doubles for other actresses; an action-packed drama The Driver 伺机 (2021) as one of the leads; the relatable lead in Fresh Takes 2: Sisters (2020); Toggle's high school drama Emerald Hill High (2019) and psychological thriller Divided (2018).


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